Paris–Visit to Notre Dame

Matt Betts & I decided to go see Notre Dame on Friday morning.  We went right after we figured mass would be over, since tromping around during a service would be rude to say the least.  We didn’t get to go up the towers, because the lines were already a block long and we did want to get back to the conference to hear some papers.  Next time…

Notre Dame
Notre Dame de Paris
Notre Dame de Paris, Portal of St. Stephen, South Rose Window

Notre Dame is a very old cathedral, construction having started in 1163, finishing some two hundred years later.  It had fallen into a state of some disrepair, thanks in part to its conversion to a “Temple of Reason” during the revolution, when Victor Hugo wrote The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  That inspired calls for the restoration, which was completed in 1864.

Repair and restoration are ongoing processes here.  For example, the huge chandelier which normally hangs in the crossing was on the floor being worked on.

Chandelier on the floor for repairs.
Pieces of the cathedral stacked in the back yard.

Some of the side chapels had clearly been cleaned and had their painting restored, while others were completely black from the soot given off by candles which had been burned there over the centuries.

Side chapel, Notre Dame de Paris.
Soot-covered chapel wall and ceiling.

The interior is an amazing space.  The architects who first figured out how to build cathedrals were true geniuses.

Notre Dame. View from transept down nave to Portal of Last Judgement, great organ, and West Rose window.
Notre Dame. View up nave toward chancel & high altar.
Stained glass window, Notre Dame.
Rose Window, Notre Dame.

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