Walakpa Archaeological Salvage Project



W16_1904We are interested professionals, students , community members, and others who care about Walakpa and the cultural heritage and paleoecological data at risk.  We are making a volunteer effort to salvage endangered data (archaeological, paleoecological, and otherwise) at Walakpa in Summer 2017, building on the successful 2016 effort, which secured lots of paleoenvironmental data and found the entrance to a house, possibly a multi-room house.  Part of it is right at the erosion face, so if not excavated this summer it will be lost.  If we can get enough help, we also want to look at the house that was found when the monument was moved, which will most likely also be lost if not excavated this summer, since there seems to be a big melting ice wedge under that area.  We welcome all forms of assistance, from field or laboratory workers, to data entry to help transporting things to or from the site.

UIC, which owns the site, is supporting the effort, and is providing financial assistance for things like food and fuel and supplies.


5 thoughts on “Walakpa Archaeological Salvage Project

  1. Hi Anne! I am Luciana, the Brazilian photographer who worked with you on Nuvuk excavations in 2008. I would love to go there and work with you again, this time as a volunteer photographer. I only need help with a ticket and I would go! Take care!

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